Saturday, September 17, 2011


New semester, final year has begun for my daughter, Yasmin.

Begitu juga for my youngest child, Firdaus.. who started his 2nd year A-levels.

Belajarlah rajin-rajin anak-anakku. You have both come a long way up to this stage, berusahalah dengan bersungguh-sungguh to complete your studies demi mencapai cita-cita.

Lepas ni, for my girl, nak membina career pula. While for Firdaus, you have another major step to go.


What's the best career for you, girl?

Jawapannya: The best career is one with meaning.

To be truly happy in your career, you need to find the right kind of work for YOU.

Not something you think you SHOULD do
something somebody else WANTS you to do.

Some women like to lead...
others prefer to follow.
Some are independent..
and others prefer to be part of a team.
There is no right or wrong.

Ask yourself..

"What feels right for me?"
"How can I use my unique and natural talents?"
"How can I bring out the best in myself and provide it to others as a service?"

Kekadang when people (especially those whom we regard as valuable or important)... ask us what our ambition is?... what we intend to do later in life? ... and kemudian 'pooh-pooh' us upon hearing our answer, that is the quickest way to kill a dream! Mulalah muka ter-berubah (terkebil like a deer tiba-tiba kena suluh dengan headlights kereta..), cakap pun dah nak ter-babble and blurt garblish nonsense, kan?


Stop the struggle and allow the truth of who you are to rule your life! It may be difficult to allow yourself to be the real YOU for many reasons. We may feel insecure about the validity of our choice. We may be wary of what "Others" will think.

Haishh...! Jangan macam tu, my love. Dare to take the steps toward finding your own true path by answering the questions above. You'll discover what comes naturally and what activities make you the happiest.

Best of all, you'll feel genuine satisfaction and pride when you spend your days doing something you value.

The next time someone asks you "lepas ni nak buat apa?"... have a strong confident answer for them, and answer with pride "I am going to be a Spa Director, insyaAllah" (contoh la kaaann...)


  1. Wah..kalo de tull2 wat sPa director..lg syok..cek ade peluang pekerjaan..kikkikiki

  2. insyaAllah, atifventures..

    sama-samalah kita doakan Spa menjadi kenyataan..

    cheq dapat peluang pekerjaan,
    mama dapat free treatments! yahooooo.. !
