2nd September 2011 - Woke up to perform Subuh prayers with high spirits and excitement in anticipation of today's itinerary - to Universal Studios, Singapore. wuhuuuu...!!!
Surprised to see Firdaus huddled at the corner of his bed looking sickly.
"Eh?? what happened, Adik?"
"Diarrhoea... the whole night.... and now rasa nak muntah..."

"Laa! Makan apa, eh? Everyone else ok jer. emmm... must have been the Nasi Goreng Daging Merah you took last night." (my excitement and high spirits immediately vanished into thin air!).
Ransacked the mini fridge looking for 100Plus ...
... none.
Went down to the lobby, asked where's the nearest clinic. Thank goodness, considerably near ... but opens at 9am. "Ok, where's the nearest 7-11 ?". "Just around the corner."
to 7-11 beli pill
Chi Kit Tek On9am, our transport came. First stop ...

While waiting for us, Ani and Yasmin got down to filling up the Immigration Cards.
Ok... ubat dah ambil ... the Doctor made him take 2 tablets at the clinic and to follow up with other tablets, if condition persists.

"Ya Allah, sembuhkanlah anak aku. Amin". ok, jom...

drop / pick-up area at the basement under the park
asal posing ja, mesti nak tunjuk 'peace', kan?
Alhamdulillah, Firdaus is looking more or less his playful self now
Tak caya?
Tengok ni...
ceria, kan? hehehe..
Dengan rasminya, Mama's worries flew off !

Ok, ambik tiket masing-masing ...

"Nak pi yang mana dulu, eh?"
For a person who loves the excitement of roller coaster rides and couldn't wait to madly dive in for his first ride in the park, it wasn't surprising when Firdaus answered: "ANCIENT EGYPT - REVENGE OF THE MUMMY !!"

On the way to 'Ancient Egypt', we stopped to see an indoor Steven Spielberg's special effects short movie at "Lights, Camera, Action".
We were made to stand in a boathouse by the harbour and experience a Category 5 major hurricane in New York. Interesting!
ok... sambung perjalanan ...
... sampai dah!

'dug.. dag.. dug.. dag' ... hati kecut tapi posing bukan main lagi!
Come on! You can do this, Dolly!
Revenge Of The Mummy, my first ever roller coaster ride in 48yrs of life! This indoor roller coaster started-off slow before suddenly reversing and then exhilarating and plunging us into pitch black total darkness. I could feel the rush of adrenalin as I opened my eyes wide, partly in shock, trying to catch a glimpse of even the slightest of light. I could hear myself screaming my lungs out, clinging on tightly to the safety lap bar for dear life throughout the wild ride!! What have I got myself into!!??
"aaaa.. aahhhHHHH.... AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH..!!!!
aik? apasal grandpa's and grandma's in the two front rows (except for that young fella) nampak relax jer macam not affected langsung, eh? (reminds me of one of Mr Bean's episodes on TV).
"Amacam, Mama? OK dak?", Farid asked. He's the one yang bersungguh-sungguh sangat nak Mama dia naik roller coasters.
"Eh! Mama okeyyyyhh... (cewah!!??). eemm... kat mana toilet?"

Ani waiting for me in front of the restroom. "Sorry eh, cheq lambat skit. Ni nak sudah dah".
Next, we proceeded to the outdoor roller coasters, Battlestar Galactica, where they have two high speed roller coasters HUMAN (red) and CYLON (blue), moving parallel side by side twisting, turning & narrowly avoiding collision with each other!

Naik HUMAN dulu, ok?
who am I kidding? trauma tadi pun tak habis lagi!
risau aku!!
There was no harness on the upper body part, just a lap bar, and I felt as though I was going to be flung out from my seat! It was scary!!
Down from HUMAN, diorang kata, "Jom sambung naik CYLON pulak!".
"You guys go ahead... bak sini tiket Mama, I'M DONE !!" (nasib baik cheq tak mati atas roller coaster tu tadi! ... eeeiii...)

water! nak minum! nak minum! my throat dry from all the screaming just now!
after CYLON. I noticed Firdaus was a bit pale and was not as 'cheerful' anymore.
"Are you ok, Adik?"
"Pening skit. Nak muntah ... panas ..."
It was midday and was getting considerably hot. With Firdaus starting to feel unwell, we quickly went into one of the air-conditioned souvenir shops to cool down ... browse ... and do some shopping.

After getting some souvenirs and T-shirts, we moved on to "The Lost World" which is divided into two themed areas: Jurassic Park and WaterWorld. It was most unfortunate that Jurassic Park was closed for technical maintenance as we were actually looking forward to this thrilling outdoor river rafts ride
(eemm... does this mean we have to come back again for another visit? hehehe...)

Ani: "Lapaq laaa...".
beli nachos...
drinks and a fancy 'water bottled' fan to keep cool
Next, we proceeded to ...

The live water show at "Waterworld" was about to start as we hurried into the sheltered enclosed area. The stunts, thrills from real explosions of fire and spills of water made the show a sensational one.
Next area was Far, Far Away where we watched the Shrek 4D adventure. There was a long wait in the introductory hall which was quite boring because the hall was packed with sweaty people and smelly clothes which made the place stuffy! eeuuww! I was so relieved when we were finally ushered into the cool comfortable theatre. As I sat, something fell off my seat. Hey! I found an iPhone!! The show started. It was an entertaining 4D adventure with gentle breeze of water and rocking chairs making the story somewhat 'real' as it progresses. Fun!
After the show, we stopped at Madagascar's Casa Del Wild for lunch where we had chicken rice and spaghetti. Meanwhile, Firdaus made calls with the iPhone we found to try to locate the owner. Within half an hour, a young Chinese lady walked into the cafe and was straining her neck as though searching for 'someone'. On instinct, I waved my hand and she came to our table and was so grateful and glad to claim back her iPhone, snapping a photo of Firdaus before leaving.

Perut dah kenyang, sambung perjalanan...
Next, we tried Madagascar's "A Crate Adventure", an indoor river boat ride adventure.

Thank goodness we bought 'Express Passes' together with our tickets online, so we breezed through entrances to all rides and shows. The waiting queues were 45mins to 1hour each!
It was a very very slow and boring ride. As the boat glided gently down the river, I kept expecting something to shock / scare or get us wet but was disappointed with the tame river ride all the way ...
After the ride was over, the penguins and other animal 'friends' entertained us with a dance show.
Last stop, Hollywood. It was here that Firdaus's diarrhoea and nausea started again and he declared that he could no longer bear to go on and badly wanted to get back to the hotel to rest. So, kat sinilah sessi menghabiskan Sing Dollars yang masih ada dengan membeli segala macam souvenirs and Tshirts.

OK.. selesai dah? Jom balik ...
Called our transport and within minutes we were on our way back to Johor Bahru. Made a quick stop at Hard Rock Cafe Singapore to buy some Tshirts. Perjalanan selesa without any traffic jam on the Causeway, arriving at the hotel within 30 mins.
"OK, Ah Wei.. Come fetch us at 8pm for dinner, ya".
8pm - We were entertained again by Mr Teng, Faiz's friend, to the famous Indah Selalu Nasi Lemak and seafood dinner at Kampung Senibong, Permas Jaya.

The restaurant was constructed by the waterfront overlooking Singapore. It has a relaxing ambience with sea breeze and straits view that makes dining a pleasant experience.
3 September 2011 - Time to head home. Our transport came to pick us up at 7am and by 7.30am, we were at Senai International Airport.. getting ready to board two 8.40am flights; ours to Penang and my sister's to Kuala Lumpur.
Alhamdulillah, no flight delays and by 9.30am, we arrived safely in Penang where Pak Kozeni and Faris were ready to pick us up.
Summary:The Universal Studios in Singapore was nice-and-easy and smaller compared to the one we went to in Gold Coast, Australia a few years back.
Looking at the holiday photos made me feel all sentimental. I am so blessed to have all of you in my life. The laughter and screams would be lasting memories cherished and would forever bring fond smiles whenever I think of them.