Friday, December 17, 2010

Better With Age

Happy Birthday to ..

ME !

Yes, ME!

Thanks all, for the birthday wishes which started coming in at exactly 12mnight. I was still awake, tak ngantuk .. masih terikut-ikut London time kot.

There was a soft knock on my door. Yasmin came into my room and surprised me with a birthday gift (yang dia kongsi beli bersama dengan Farid and Firdaus). I honestly couldn't believe my eyes!!

I saw this Mulberry Hobo Style handbag at the London Heathrow Airport as we were getting ready to board the flight back to Kuala Lumpur. (I would mention here that Faiz was somewhat annoyed with me for disappearing menyelit masuk keluar butik-butik as we made our way to the departure gate).

Sempat lari berpatah balik to the Mulberry boutique TWICE sebab berkenankan bag tersebut (cume yang tak berkenan tu, harganya!). Bila I jeling di butik bersebelahan, Escada was having 50% discount sale. So, I pun beli la yang ini ...

Now when I think of it, I remember Firdaus asking me whether I liked that Mulberry handbag (disebabkan I went back twice into that boutique). I admitted that I liked it but didn't fancy spending so much for it and so, I'm happy enough to settle for this Escada one (daripada tak beli langsung). At least, ada juga bawa balik "buah tangan" untuk diri sendiri sebagai kenangan.

Bila masa yang diorang sempat berpakat pegi beli bag tu, is truly beyond me!!

To the three precious jewels in my life ... "Thank You Very Much From The Bottom Of My Heart" for presenting Mama with such an expensive gift.

... luv u all ...

Left: Farid, Firdaus & Yasmin in London

...daku terharu


  1. Happy birthday auntie Dolly! ;D Waaa bestnya dapat sebijik ostrich daria hobo. Definitely the best birthday gift! Soo excited, macam diri sendiri pulak yg dapat. ;D

  2. Salams Ayu, thank you for the wishes. Yes, nangis saya tengok handbag tu! hehehe.. nangis gembira la kan..

    Bebudak ni memang tau nak surprisekan their mama. A very pleasant surprise :-D

  3. salam~
    happy birthday mak chak~
    ~hope dipanangkan umur
    ~murah rezeki
    ~sihat walafiat
    ~n + happy2 selalu..

  4. hepi birthday untie...
    semoga panjang umo n murah rezeki~

    btw, suka baca blog auntie...

    ~me junita, julia's sister~

  5. Salams Junita,

    Amin, thanks for wishes.

    hehehe.. ada bace eh? ni la keje aunty semenjak anak dah besar2 and have their own activities.

    ...menceceh sorang sorang...

  6. Salam Shela Atifventures

    Amin.. mudah-mudahan doa dimakbulkan.

    bila kita nak tukaq2 hadiah ni? ;-P

  7. hahahhah~ok2..hadiah dah siap..
    shela wat sendiri..biase jek..
    hope u like~ hadiah iklas dari hati..hehehhe
