Sunday, August 01, 2010

Time Management

If you're going to do something, give yourself time to do it.

When you drive somewhere, leave early.

Avoid the frustration and anger which come from being delayed by traffic. Enjoy the pleasant feeling of arriving early, relaxed and confident.

When you must meet a deadline, start early.

Give yourself more than enough time to finish the project, and complete the work ahead of schedule. In your own mind, move the deadline a couple of days earlier. Your work will be much better if it is not rushed at the last minute.

Give yourself the time you need to accomplish the things you want. Maintain a healthy sense of urgency, but avoid the panic and frustration of a last-minute rush.

You'll get more done, you'll be more effective and stress-free, when you take the time to do it right!

.... sekadar nasihat dari seorang ibu ....


  1. Tima Kacih cikgu...errr...kelas motivasi ke ni? :-)
    just came back fr hosp - review, friday baru dpt result, moga2 all goes well

  2. motivasi alaf baru! kalau membebel-bebel, depa tak suka. tapi, tak bebel.. lemas tengok depa dok struggle buat last-minute punya keja, pastu bad mood ja. so, terpaksalah nasihat in a more pleasant manner.. siap dgn 'prop' skali.

    insyaAllah, moga your results nanti tiada yang membimbangkan. anyway, looking forward to our date!
