" An investment in knowledge, always pays the best interest."
- Benjamin Franklin
It was a long four years, full of ups and downs. Finally on 21 September 2012, we celebrated Yasmin's graduation from University Sains Malaysia, Penang.
Tak kisahlah samada watching the stage from the crowd ...
the one standing on stage ...
... menyaksikan upacara konvokesyen tempoh hari was one important event in my life.
hah ! legaaaa.. ! (her grin says it all !)
Yasmin has always been obsessed with flowers
(sesuai la tuuu.. nama dia pun berasal dari kumpulan bunga-bungaan juga, kan?). So, my son-in-law Faris, my sister Ani and I got her the biggest bouquet of roses available.
"Beratnya bunga ni!". (laaaa... complain pulak dah!)

"Congrats Min!!", from mum-in-law ....
.... and Faris's two twin sisters
(wah! more flowers!)
Special thanks to Sarah Hazwani (left) and Majidah (right), Yasmin's childhood best friends yang turut hadir
Tahniah juga to Yasmin's friend
Azzyati Abu Harun
Celebration Dinner at Seoul Garden
(Clockwise from left) Yasmin, Mimi, Kartina, NurHanie & Edany (niece & nephew), my mum, my dad, Farid, Faris and my sister, Ani. Hasli (my brother) and Faiz were not in picture sebab tengah ambil makanan
My girl,
Your university days may be over, but remember, learning process still continues. Now you need to educate yourself to be a good wife, a loving daughter-in-law...and etc... and etc...
In life, we always have to improvise. Sebab tu lah kena sentiasa cari ilmu untuk memperbaiki diri dan kehidupan. Most of the time, we have no idea what is going to happen next and we have to deal with it as we go along.
Don't panic if you don't yet know what you want to do with your life. You need to reflect on your own feelings, your own desires and then decide.
As parents, it's time for Ba and Mama
to land that 'helicopter' which has been openly hovering over your head and sometimes hiding in the background... spying and monitoring ...
With the graduation of both my children, Farid Rizal and Yasmin, and their recent marriage respectively, this marks the end of my "career" as their Life Manager. (hah! bukan senang nak dapat job title tu!). It is also time for me to figure out what I am going to do for my future and to find my own 'something new'.
eeemmm... something new seperti apa yer?
Sementara deciding what to do next... I recently had a great time meeting up with ex-classmates of Convent Green Lane.
Dinner at Equatorial Hotel, Penang
We all had a jolly good time !! Our conversations covered a variety of topics.... from cruise to tour holidays, from a housewife's story to a workaholic's routine ! The "Ooohhhh's" and the "Wah!'s" as we marvelled at the big things and finding delights in the small ones, made our table noisy with bursts of laughter ! Rasa macam naughty girls pun ada jugak! hahahaha...
In every circumstance, there is always something for which to be thankful for. At the time when we are happy, be thankful... and the happiness is greatly multiplied!
From left: Bibi, Valerie Low, myself, Phaik Gin, Ee Hong
I am thankful for being blessed with friends from my schooling years and having the privilege of re-grouping back together now in our middle age years. One of the many things nobody ever tells you about middle age is that it is such a nice change from being young and naive.
Am looking forward to our next date, ladies.
This time... my place !