Next zone is the Dining area.

By the end of the day ...

... it's done!
Now you see it ....
We were still early when we arrived and the caterers were only beginning to set-up the place. That gave us time to relax and sembang-sembang.
Zuraidah (Rohana's eldest sister) & husband Md Noor
Among the food spread were :-
limau, kurma, anggur & biskut Raya
ketupat nasi & pulut, kuah kacang, rendang
ayam goreng
kurma kambing
pasembur ayam
yong tau foo
ais kacang
.... laksa, mee kuah, satay dan some others that I've lost count! Memang a real food feast!! Waduh! sabaq Dollyyyy... sabaq! kesian sama kat perut tuuu..!
Nak mention jugak kat sini, a special VIP guest tetamu tuan rumah ..
Datuk Mohd Johari Baharom & isteri
Di awal majlis, I wanted to snap a photo of the 'tuan rumah', Shaker Ahmad, tapi he said he was not properly dressed for the occasion yet. Lepas majlis pun bermula.. and I went food crazy .. lupalah pulak nak ambik gambar ..hehehe.. teruk betul la I !
But anyway, I 'petik' this lovely family photo from Danial's (my nephew) recent Raya album buat kenang-kenangan in my blog. Ok la tuuu.. dari tak der langsung, kan? ..
standing from left: Shaker Ahmad, Syamil Shaker, Dayana Md Noor, Hazran Md Noor, Danial Md Noor, Ariff Md Noor, Aiman Md Noor, Md Noor
sitting from left: Rohana, Sofea Shaker, Hjh Ramlah (my Mak Ngah), Shazzana Shaker, Zuraidah
Yasmin, Julia and a friend arrived a little while later just as my family and I had finished our food. By then, tetamu pun dah sangat ramai dan khemah pun dah jadi a bit congested disebabkan hujan. Lepas temankan diorang makan seketika, kami pun bertolak balik. Before that, the girls sempat bergambar for Mama's blog..
Among our family who attended: