Thursday, January 12, 2012


Firdaus, my dear son...

We don’t always get what we want. When things don’t quite work out as expected, it's OK to be sad... but don't dwell too long on your sadness and let it knock you off your path. Take a BIG DEEP BREATH and know that everything will happen in perfect time, insyaAllah.

There's no use letting the things you can't control dictate your level of happiness. How you choose to see and accept the recent situation will greatly affect your emotions, thoughts and actions from this point forward.

Your mindset will determine different outcomes in your life. So instead of fighting against a situation which you have no control over, let it go. Change your mindset and map out new visions ... new alternatives ... into your life. Choose to see your new changes as a blessing in disguise.

Remember Sayang, this is only a minor detour; not a denial. The best is yet to come... yakinlah !


  1. 'mishappenings' won't haunt you forever

    1. bukan apa tu, sis. dia terkilan skit sebab No. 1 on his wish list met with a setback. kena tuning skit kasi happy with options No. 2, 3, and so on..

