Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sekarang ni... cuaca semakin panas terik, kan? Uishh! Pedih kulit when exposed to the sun, terutamanya between 11 - 3pm. That prompted me to goggle about sunblock :-

What is the best sunblock brand?
Cream or lotion?
SPF berapa?
Sesuai untuk kulit yang macamana?
... haish! ...

Last week, I bought satu jenama (tak berani nak sebutkan di sini, kang tak pasal-pasal kena saman pulak!). SPF 30, for normal to oily skin. Didn't work for me. Muka nampak putih semacam jer! OK, dah letak sebelah dah!

Yesterday, I bought ...

Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock for Face and Body

... from Watsons.

Pagi ni, I tried it on. Wah! Finally dapat yang sesuai with the specification I was looking for!

- SPF 50+ (haaa... ambik engkau!)
- Broad spectrum protection against skin-aging UVA dan burning UVB rays.
- Ultra light, clean feel, non-shiny finish.
- Leaves skin soft and smooth, muka tak nampak "putih".
- Waterproof, sweatproof, resists rub-off.
- Non-comedogenic (won't clog pores)
- Oil free

Tak semestinya beli produk mahal tu yang terbaik dan yang sesuai untuk kita. From my own experience, banyak dah produk berjenama yang I have given away atau tinggalkan begitu saja disebabkan 'ketidaksesuaian' (muka jadi gelap lah, tumbuh jerawat lah, berminyak lah.. etc etc).

Yang dok kempen pasal sunblock ni bukannya apa... I always believe in "Prevention is better than cure". So, to all kakak2.. adik2.. students (boys & girls).. makcik & pakcik, rajin-rajinlah pakai sunblock to prevent pigmentation and sunburn. Mustahak tu!

There's another product I want to share here. Haa... yang ni, tak wajib beli! Sesaja nak bercerita jer..

Last week masa beli sunblock 'beep' tu, I also bought "IN2IT Twister Lip Gloss". How I love using this product! It's so convenient and most importantly, very compatible with my dry lips. Betapa susahnya nak dapatkan lipstick yang sesuai for myself. Like I said just now, jenama mahal tak semestinya boleh 'ngam' dengan kita. Alang-alang dah dapat yang sesuai, I'm gonna go get more of it in different shades.

Now it's time to do some ...

spring cleaning !!

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