Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Visit To The Vet

Beberapa hari ni, Firdaus's cat, Tim, was looking really miserable..
Malas bergerak.. asyik tidor ja..
Tak caya? tengok nii..


Firdaus suggested we take Tim to the Vet. So, petang kelmarin, we went to Gill's Veterinary Clinic at Bagan Jermal

Diagnosis: EAR MITES

Dr Amreet prescribed medication and ear drops for Tim.
uihh.. tengok ubat-ubat yang dia prescribe..
it's going to be a challenge nak bagi makan ubat-ubat ni
well.. i'll let Firdaus worry about that!

Alhamdulillah, today (after 24 hrs), Tim dah nampak sihat sikit..

Walau bagaimanapun, he still has to finish his medication and go for follow-up appointment next week.


  1. amboi ambik gambaq camera apa, very the clear.

  2. camera handphone lama tu laaa.. gambaq-gambaq dia pun dok clear lagi..tak leh nak cari helah tukaq baru aaa.. issyy!.. jealous tengok new chocolate tuuu
